I'm Saurav Ghimire (Software Developer)

I am a React Developer based in Kathmandu, Nepal, with a passion for creating websites, applications, and everything in between. With 2 years of experience in the Computer Software industry, I have a proven track record of delivering exceptional front-end development work. My skill set includes 2 years of expertise in HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, StyledComponents, React JS, and Next JS. I take pride in successfully completing numerous web projects from scratch and consistently delivering high-quality work. I'm a perpetual learner who never stops exploring new technologies.

Over time, I've expanded my knowledge to include Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, Firebase, and React Native. This continuous pursuit of knowledge keeps me fully immersed in the ever-evolving world of technology. Beyond my work, I'm a constant learner and avid reader. I'm always seeking new resources and information to deepen my understanding of the field. My goal is to bring my passion and enthusiasm for technology to every project, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.


Scodus Innovations(Full Time)

Aug 2022 - Present


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    Developed and maintained responsive web application screens and UIcomponents using ReactJs and NextJs.

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    Collaborated closely with design teams to implement pixel-perfect user interfaces from design mockups.

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    Optimized application performance through code splitting andlazy loading, resulting in a 30% decrease in page load times.

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    Integrated RESTful APIs to fetch and display dynamic data,implementing user authentication and error handling.

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    Collaborated with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot issues, improve code quality, and meet project deadlines.




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    Developed and shipped websites for various organizations.


Bachelor's In Computer Science and Technology


Sunway international business school

+2 NEB


Geetanjali College



North Star English Boarding School

Latest Articles

Check out my newest articles posts and discover the latest insights and trends in web development. From essential skills and top frameworks to user-centered design and responsive web design to random things.

ChatGPT's Evolution: Transforming Information Search and Coding Problem-Solving in Development Workflows

Sun Aug 13 2023

5 min read

Explore the Revolution: ChatGPT's Influence on Development Problem-Solving and Information Retrieval. Learn how developers are embracing tailored solutions and innovative capabilities to reshape their coding practices.

Why did I start writing blogs? And Why do I think It is important?

Sun Apr 16 2023

2 min read

First Timer Here, writing about why it is important to write a blog "NOT A WRITER"

Featured Projects

Check out some of the project I have done which may contain values or my the state of my mind.

Scodus Innovations

At Scodus, our goal is clear: to empower startups and businesses worldwide to achieve their full potential swiftly and efficiently. Through our global Dev-as-a-Service model, we break down barriers and deliver top-notch solutions tailored to your needs.

Srot-One platform to streamline the business

Manage your Finances and achieve financial freedom


A website for HURPES

HMCOOP- Sustainably Cultivated Nepal Tea.

Himalayan Tea Producers Co-operative (HIMCOOP), an esteemed consortium dedicated to the promotion and success of Nepal Tea.

Monthly Mortgage Calculator Using HTML/CSS ,Javascript and ChartJs

A simple calculator used to see monthly payments for different loan amounts.

ReactWind Accordion

"ReactWind Accordion" is a simple and stylish React.js project with Tailwind CSS, enabling you to create responsive accordions for organized content presentation on your website.

Products Cart using ReactJs and Redux

Cart Features using redux.

Simple Search Using ReactJs

This project shows a simple search using ReactJs

Designed and Developed In
