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Why did I start writing blogs? And Why do I think It is important?

Why did I start writing blogs? And Why do I think It is important?

First Timer Here, writing about why it is important to write a blog "NOT A WRITER"

Created At : Sun Apr 16 2023

By the way, I am a Frontend developer by profession, and learning new things every week or even every day is in the Job profile. So I kept forgetting what I was learning. That's when It clicked I should start writing blogs to keep things in perspective. That is why I coded a website of my own to get started thinking that I will write blogs about what are things that I'm learning. While I was in this process I magically found a video or may I say the video found me stating "why all programmers should blog".Which impacted me so much that I'm writing this blog right now 🍷.

So, Enough about these stories. Let me tell you why I think all programmers should blog.

  • Personal Notes for future reference:

    The very reason why I started writing blogs is to reference what am I learning which will hopefully help me understand where I am on this journey of constant learning. To be honest, I kept forgetting half the stuff I learned by now.

  • Opportunities to find and meet new people:

    Meeting new people always excites me and if they belong to the same creed as I am wooo. Sharing new ideas and discussing some problems and finding the solution as we share would be a great experience for me.

  • Helps me on my journey of social media detox:

    One thing about creative juices is that blogging hopefully helps me detox my habit of social media and constant scrolling. Which would be great for my mental and physical health as I can sleep more, eat more, read more, and write more.🤞

That's it, these are the reasons why I started writing blogs. And why you should too.Thanks for reading my sorta helpful thoughts I hope so and see you on the next one.

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